Management Always stay one step ahead of your dog. Whether you brought home a puppy or an adult dog, many objects in their new environment will be tempting. Think about the possible scenarios your dog could get into and manage them accordingly. For example, remember that keeping the Christmas ham out on the counter could entice your dog to jump up and take a lick. If you are unable to watch your dog every second, you’ll want to keep them out of the kitchen or keep the food in a safe spot.
Dog Proofing For
the holidays, don’t give your new dog free reign of the house. This leaves the
possibility open for your pooch to get into mischief, such as eating the
holiday dinner, using the Christmas tree as a spot to relieve themselves or
unwrapping presents from under the tree. Holiday decorations are a common pet
hazard and should be kept out of reach of your dog. Also be careful with
household cleaning products, wires, children’s toys or anything else that could
be potentially hazardous to your pet.
Teachable Moments Always
be on the lookout for teachable moments, or any moment when your dog does
something for which they should be rewarded. A good way to do this is to have
small treat containers randomly dispersed throughout the house. This allows you
to take advantage of any teachable moment with treats readily available. A good
example would be a dog that jumps. If your dog likes to jump on strangers but sits
nicely instead, grab a treat and reward! It would be great to keep a treat box
by the door for such an occasion.
Routine Just like
humans, dogs thrive on routine. In order to get your dog adjusted to your new
home, you will want to keep a regular schedule. The more you stray from your
routine, the longer it will take for your dog to get comfortable. The holidays
are always busy, so make sure to remember your dogs feeding and potty times.
Your dog has come to rely on the schedule you have started and altering that
schedule can confuse them.
Affection Your
dog is so happy to have a new home and family this holiday season. However, as
you can imagine, this is also stressful for your new pooch. It is important to shower
your dog with affection so they begin to bond with you. A belly rub is a great
way to show your dog some love and affection. Just remember that your dog still
getting to know his new family. Therefore, you will want to stay away from too many hugs and coddles, as this can
make your dog a little stressed. Learn to recognize the signs of a stressed dog
so you know what to watch out for.
Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Keep in mind it can take up to 12 weeks for your new family member to become completely adjusted to their new life. For help training your new pet into the perfect dog for your family, you can find socialization, training tips and more at Morris K9 Campus. As you get to know your new dog, remember to have fun and enjoy the journey!